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Methodist Circuit
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The Superintendent of the Dappleshire Circuit is
Rev'd Wendy Warburton
Telephone: 01084 709481
Email: w.warburton@hotmail.com

The Circuit's Administrator is
Ms Kavita White
Telephone: 01084 459545
Email: k.white@btinternet.com

Supervising the quarterly Preaching Plan is
Revd Dr Philip Simpson
Telephone: 01084 630136
Email: dappleshire@aol.com

Contact Wendy, Kavita or Philip using the above contact information or use the attached form. Actually, don't contact any of them! They're entirely fictional, as is their contact information.

If you want to contact ThenMedia (not fictional) about using Chrestos in your circuit, please email chrestos@thenmedia.co.uk or call 01244 478727.

Contact Us

01244 478727

Dappleshire Circuit
Wesley Methodist Church
Main Street

Circuit Map

© 2024 – Dappleshire Methodist Circuit